Tag Archives: Health Care

“I paid for my Social Security and Medicare. I don’t take government handouts.”

Yea, you paid some money into these programs and you keep telling yourself you are not part of the BIG government program and not being totally selfish but think about this:

1. Social Security and Medicare ARE big Federal Government programs largely done by Democrats with Republicans calling it Socialism and BIG government totalitarianism. They said it was not American for the government to force them to pay for these programs. Republicans have been trying to get rid of these programs ever since. Both Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D (prescription drug plan) were Republican plans that were gifts to insurance companies and contributed as much or more to the deficit than the new Health Care Reform package will.

Medicare Advantage does not offer any new benefits over basic Medicare without increased premiums and costs the government 14% more than the same benefits offered in basic Medicare. For the same benefits, Medicare Advantage hands out wads of case to private insurance companies to offer the same benefits as basic Medicare.

The prescription drug plan prohibits cost negations based on huge quantities that the government purchases. Bulk negotiations are regularly done in private business but the Republicans in the Bush administration wanted to make sure the drug companies got a sweetheart deal that cost you as much money over the next ten years as the cost of the Health Reform Bill.


2. As an older person you are part of a high risk insurance pool. Before these programs you could not get insurance. Many older people died on the street. Private insurance companies could not make a profit on you. The cost to insure you was more than they made on premiums. The situation is even more severe now that the cost of medical care has been increasing much faster than inflation. The money you paid into these programs would not come close to covering the costs that you have accumulated for the following reasons:

a) One of the causes for the projected deficits is that the number of workers paying taxes compared to the number of people receiving benefits has fallen and is projected to fall further.

b) Increase in life expectancy without a comparable increase in the retirement age:

– Since Social Security began paying benefits in 1940, the life expectancy of the average 65-year old male and female has gone up 40% and 45% respectively.

– Benefits and taxes are automatically indexed on an annual basis to compensate for inflation and wage growth. The retirement age is not indexed to compensate for increased life expectancy.

c) The higher birth rate of the baby boom generation compared to the birth rates of succeeding generations:

– In 1960 (during the baby boom), the average birth rate per woman was 3.6. By 1975, the average birth rate had fallen to 1.77. As of 2004, it is at 2.05.

d) The increasing number of people receiving disability benefits:

– Between 1960 and 2005, the U.S. population grew by 59%. During the same period, the number of people receiving disability benefits increased by 1,109%.

e) Health care cost have increased dramatically more than what the projected cost increases


The bottom line is that you are drawing out more than you paid in. You can complain about the Federal Government all you want but you would not have any health care without the government. The numbers do not work.

3. A lot of you are in programs you never paid into like Part D (prescription drugs). My dad does not need part D because he is on a prescription drug program for veterans of WW2. He never paid into this but he is a big Republican and thinks he is not on a government program – he says he has never taken anything from the government.

4. If the commerce clause the Republicans are touting is correct then get ready to get rid of Social Security and Medicare because the big, bad government forces you to pay into it.

5. If we do nothing the deficit will rise 143 billion dollars more over the next 10 years than if we have the Health Care Reform Act according to the CBO. Health Care Reform costs less than we will pay if we do nothing. The total cost of the Health Reform Act is the same as the cost of Part D over the next 10 years and closes the doughnut hole.


I don’t know how to get through these rationalizations and justifications based on pure fantasy but I will tell you that your blindness conveniently keeps you from seeing your selfishness, greediness and the violence you are doing to others that do not have your government benefits. How does it feel to be a hypocrite?

The “Tea Party”?

The Tea Party got its name from the Boston Tea Party.  Initially, their point was that there should be no taxation without representation.   They identified with the patriots.  Now, they like to equivocate the monarchy of England during the Revolutionary War with today’s Federal Government.   Do you see a difference?  A monarchy is NOT elected but our government (which includes the Federal Government) is elected by a majority of the people in our country.  Hey, Tea Partiers, we got the government we elected – you lost. 

Real patriots advocated democracy in the face of totalitarianism.  Terrorists advocate senseless violence in the face of democracy.  What side are you gun toting, reloading, cleaning fools on?  The rest of us pay taxes for a military and police to deal with your type.  Go ahead – go down in a blaze of ignorance – the gene pool will be better off.

And, guess what…we think the tax burden will get shifted from the middle income groups the Republicans administrations gave us to big corporations and rich folks.  Oh, I know they like to threaten that they will leave the country or pass the cost on to everyone else but I call that intimidation and black mail.  I have faith that capitalism and competition will leave those that act on these threats in the ranks of the has-beens and entrepreneurs will rise to take the spoils.  Don’t continue to be pawns of big money marketing.  They would have you act against your own interests so they come out ahead. 

Oh, and if you are on Social Security and Medicare and are against Health Care Reform you are selfish and nasty.  You are part of the problem and I think you are responsible for the death of thousands of men, women and children that have died in this country from no and/or inadequate health care.  I see faces of children when it comes to health care reform.  You and your politicians fought CHIPS and health care for decades and I see children dying from it.  If you have the gall to call yourself “pro-life” on top of this you are hopelessly lost.  Why don’t you give age the face of grace, wisdom and virtue not pettiness and hypocrisy?

Response to a Pro-Death Comment

This is my response to a Pro-Death comment submitted for this article:

House of Representatives Passes Sweeping Health Reform Bill


Original Comment:

“I just wanted to let the NEA president know that because of his arrogant opinion I am no longer a member of the NEA. I went to my local NEA office today and told them I no longer want to be a member of an organization who endorse people support socialist policies/agendas. My political and moral values are more important to me than anything in the world. I am so sorry that I was a member of an association that suppossedly pushes an agenda for kids but supports many political candidates who endorse killing babies in the womb (hypocracy) and makes a mockery of ideals of our founding fathers. By the way NEA make sure you push for print in all the future history books in schools throughout the USA, Im sorry…..the U.S.S.R (United States Socialist Republic), March 21, 2010, the day Constitution was ripped into shreads by the Democratic Party of America.”

My Response:

James 2:15-17 states:

“If a brother or sister be naked and in lack of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Go in peace, be ye warmed and filled; and yet ye give them not the things needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it have not works, is dead in itself.”

If Jesus were here today he would add health care to food and clothing as it is certainly “things needful to the body”.

The commenter above needs to know that abortion is legal in this country and has been for quite a few decades.  Neither President Obama nor the rest of us are baby killers because mere cells are not human.  On the other hand, you kill young people because they certainly are human and since I am sure you voted for Bush and his 2 ridiculous wars you had a direct hand in killing innocent young people – you are a murderer IMO.  By the way, I did not get any choice about paying taxes for your stupid wars that killed our young people. 

 I also did not get a choice about Social Security, Medicare, drivers license, motorcycle helmets, increased taxes for booze and cigarettes but I understand that we all pay for these issues and I am willing to pay without calling my country socialist, fascist, totalitarian, etc.  You are not a patriot – you are only for this country when you get your way. 

You need to know that President Obama was elected by a majority of us to do the job he did on health care.  I will not even begin to tell you how enraged I was during both Bush and Reagan presidencies.  We the American people DO want national health care in this country and you were told when President Obama was elected and you have been told again with this bill so deal with it!  If you are so “pro-life” how can you fight against the millions without health care in this country and the hundreds of thousands of deaths that result for no care or inadequate care?  Before CHIPS and this bill you people would not even let us insure kids in this country!  You are already involuntarily paying for emergency room health care and will be paying much, much more in the near future unless something is done NOW. 

Don’t say you are “pro-life” when you fully exhibit hatred and violence for those that have already certainly been born.  You are pro-death and full of darkness and an evil god!  Go back to your cave and pray or slice up small animals or whatever you do!

A vote against Big Government is a vote for Big Business

Rest assured that if you are angry and want to vote against the Democrats by voting for a Republican you will be voting for Big Business.  You will be voting for Wall Street, private contractor wars and world anger and hatred for the United States.  You will be voting for more of the Bush years.  Republicans will say and do anything to get elected but their actions speak louder than words.  They are all about back room deals with Big Business. 

Here is one proof:

In 8 years controlling the executive branch and 6 years of that controlling the legislative branch, the Republicans did the only major health care initiative that I know of – the Prescription Drug Benefit known as Medicare Part D.

Take a look at this article concerning Part D:


The initial 10 year cost of the program by the CBO in 2003 was $395 billion.   The current 10 year cost cited below totals out at $999.9 billion.  All costs cited above are intermediate estimates.

Table III.C19.—Operations of the Part D Account in the SMI Trust Fund (Cash Basis) during Calendar Years 2004-2018

[In billions]

Income Expenditures Account
Calendar year Premium income1 General revenue2 Transfers from States3 Interest and other Total Benefit payments4 Adminis-trative expense Total Net change Balance at end of year5
Historical data:
2004 $0.4 $0.4 $0.4 $0.4
2005 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
2006 $3.5 39.2 $5.5 $0.0 48.2 47.1 $0.3 47.4 $0.8 $0.8
2007 4.0 38.8 6.9 0.0 49.7 48.8 0.9 49.7 0.0 0.8
2008 5.0 37.3 7.1 0.0 49.4 49.0 0.3 49.3 0.1 0.9
Intermediate estimates:
2009 6.3 6 48.5 7.9 0.0 62.7 62.6 0.4 63.0 −0.2 0.7
2010 7.2 6 50.7 8.3 0.0 66.2 65.8 0.4 66.2 0.0 0.7
2011 8.4 55.5 8.8 0.0 72.8 72.3 0.4 72.7 0.0 0.7
2012 9.6 60.8 9.4 0.0 79.9 79.4 0.5 79.8 0.1 0.8
2013 10.6 66.1 10.1 0.0 86.8 86.2 0.5 86.7 0.1 0.9
2014 11.6 72.4 10.8 0.0 94.9 94.3 0.5 94.8 0.1 0.9
2015 13.3 6 79.9 11.5 0.0 104.8 104.2 0.5 104.8 0.1 1.0
2016 13.8 6 88.2 12.6 0.0 114.7 114.0 0.5 114.6 0.1 1.1
2017 15.9 97.4 13.9 0.0 127.3 126.6 0.5 127.2 0.1 1.2
2018 17.7 107.8 15.4 0.0 140.9 140.2 0.6 140.8 0.1 1.3



Table III.C23.—Unfunded Part D Obligations from Program Inception through the Infinite Horizon

[Present values as of January 1, 2009; dollar amounts in trillions]

Present value As a percentage of GDP
Unfunded obligations through the infinite horizon1 $0.0 0.0 %
Expenditures 20.3 1.5
Income 20.3 1.5
Beneficiary premiums 2.5 0.2
State transfers 2.2 0.2
General revenue contributions 15.5 1.2
Unfunded obligations from program inception through 20831 0.0 0.0
Expenditures 9.4 1.2
Income 9.4 1.2
Beneficiary premiums 1.2 0.1
State transfers 1.0 0.1
General revenue contributions 7.2 0.9


15.5 trillion projected out to infinity and 7.2 trillion to 2083.


Here are some other quotes from articles:

“Just to be clear, the Medicare drug benefit was a pure giveaway with a gross cost greater than either the House or Senate health reform bills how being considered. Together the new bills would cost roughly $900 billion over the next 10 years, while Medicare Part D will cost $1 trillion.”

 “when the legislation came up for its final vote on Nov. 22, 2003, it was failing by 216 to 218 when the standard 15-minute time allowed for voting came to an end.

What followed was one of the most extraordinary events in congressional history. The vote was kept open for almost three hours while the House Republican leadership brought massive pressure to bear on the handful of principled Republicans who had the nerve to put country ahead of party. The leadership even froze the C-SPAN cameras so that no one outside the House chamber could see what was going on.”


“By the design of the program, the federal government is not permitted to negotiate prices of drugs with the drug companies, as federal agencies do in other programs. The Veterans Administration, which is allowed to negotiate drug prices and establish a formulary, pays 58% less for drugs, on average, than Medicare Part D.[32] For example, Medicare pays $785 for a year’s supply of Lipitor (atorvastatin), while the VA pays $520. Medicare pays $1,485 for Zocor, while the VA pays $127.”

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicare_Part_D [i]

One other thing, if you hear anyone tell you that they do not take any give outs from the government and they are on Part D – they are absolutely wrong.  We will not even have to discuss what they paid into Social Security and Medicare and how much more they are taking out because:

-they are living longer

-the increasing cost of health that was way off when it was calculated in their employment years   

They never paid anything into Part D and the money they pay for their drugs is very small compared to the cost of the drug.  The 1 trillion dollar deficit over 10 years includes what they pay.

So, here we have it – Republicans did this:

-Gave the drug companies and insurance companies a trillion dollar handout over the next 10 years

-Total Cost to the tax payer is 15.5 trillion projected out to infinity

-Made sure we could not negotiate these costs in bulk

1 trillion dollars over 10 years for Part D is 100 billion dollars a year for 10 years.  It is more than the current estimate for the Health Care Reform bill (currently priced at 900 billion for 10 years in the Senate bill)!

Hello – If you vote for a Republican you are voting for Wall Street to get away with more than they already did – do you think the United States can survive this???

Folks, we need to understand that a vote against Big Government is a vote for Big Business.

My background is in business.  I was an engineer, low and middle manager in small, intermediate and large businesses.  I know it from the inside.  My significant other retired from the GAO so I know this side as well.  Here are some observations:

Government calls it tax => Business calls it profit – it all boils down to more money you pay from your pocket!

Government has programs that are wasteful (but not nearly as many as you might think) => Big business gives huge bonuses and stock options

Government has its share of inefficient employees => Big business keeps hiring and promoting worthless people that suck up the bottom line and many stay on when the company is sold

Government is too big => Big business is too big to fail

If you think there is a “free market” that makes Big Business better than Big Government you have bought hook, line and sinker into Republican propaganda – Big Business is NO better by any of the standards you want to compare with Big Government.  The best thing we can do is keep Big Business and Big Government at each other (see http://mixermuse.com/blog/2010/01/04/free-market-eitheror-government/ ). 

You gave Bush 8 years to lavish riches on Big Business – please give the Democrats time to try to reverse and offset those years.  If you are unhappy in eight years vote them out!  If you vote them out now you may as well say goodbye to the USA because the collapse we had on Wall Street will pale in comparison to what you are going to get!

[i]   In researching this paper I found what I think are glaring mistakes for the Wikipedia Medicare Part D article cited here.  I have put these comments in the talk section for this article and plan to correct it if there are no objections.

Current “Program costs” Section is:

As of January 2006, the expected per capita drug spending, reported by the Department of Health and Human services, was $2,250, making the total cost of the program $42.75 Billion.[6] This budget compares with revenues of $54 Billion for Pfizer and $48.6 Billion for Johnson & Johnson, the two largest pharmaceutical companies. Kaiser Family Foundation, estimates the 2006 costs at $37.4 billion.[2] Total costs through 2015 are estimated to be $724 billion. Some of these revenues will be provided by “clawback” of revenues currently provided to the states for Medicaid. The “clawback” is a mechanism by which federal expenditures that benefit states (specifically regarding dual eligibles) are reimbursed back to the federal government. This reimbursement starts at 90%, but then falls to 75% in 2015. Figures also depend on per capita estimates of dual eligible expenditures and the number of dual eligibles that receive benefits.

As of January 2008, total Medicare spending for prescription drug benefits was projected to drop from $40.5 billion in 2007 to $36 billion in 2008. One factor contributing to lower costs is the increased use of generic drugs.[4] Shortly after the release of the 2008 Medicare Trustees’ Report,[25] the Chief Actuary testified that the 10-year cost of Medicare drug benefit is 37% lower than originally projected in 2003, and 17% percent lower than last year’s projections.[26]

In August 2008, CMS estimated that the 10-year cost of the program would be $395 billion, down from the original estimate of $634 billion.[15] (note: This link is dead.) In late October 2008, USA Today reported that costs were down by $6 billion, or 12%, for the fiscal year ended September 30. Costs for the program were approximately one third less than originally predicted.[27]

Proposed New “Program costs” Section:

As of the end of year 2008, the average annual per beneficiary cost spending for Part D, reported by the Department of Health and Human Services, was $1,517 [44], making the total expenditures of the program for 2008 $49.3 (billions). Total intermediate, projected expenditures from 2009 through 2018 are estimated to be $999.9 (billions). [45]

New “Program costs” References:


45. ^ 2009 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARDS OF TRUSTEES OF THE FEDERAL HOSPITAL INSURANCE AND FEDERAL SUPPLEMENTARY MEDICAL INSURANCE TRUST FUNDS, Table III.C19.—Operations of the Part D Account in the SMI Trust Fund (Cash Basis) during Calendar Years 2004-2018, Page 120 (Page 126 in pdf)

Notes for Talk section viewers:

– There are many links that are dead in this article. The data is also very old.

– I will try to update the article one section at a time starting with the program cost section. If there are no objections or requested additions I will update the “Program costs” section on 2/1

– The hyperlink for reference 44 is http://www.cms.hhs.gov/ReportsTrustFunds/downloads/tr2009.pdf

– The hyperlink for refernce 45 is also http://www.cms.hhs.gov/ReportsTrustFunds/downloads/tr2009.pdf

– Any comments or feedback is highly welcome…”