Have you ever sent an email to a U.S. Representative or Senator that was not a .gov address? Almost every member of congress has a gmail, yahoo, etc. email address. Folks a server is a server whether it is in your basement or in a private corporation. Even more so, servers talk to other servers. The internet is a long convoluted chain of servers. The name public or private does not concern an actual server in the least. c They are simply servers. Corporations which own or lease servers are just as likely to get hacked as individuals that have servers, probably more so. We regularly hear about servers being hacked. When they are hacked there are “fingerprints” which IT experts can use to verify a server was hacked and track the culprits. The FBI has the world’s best hack trackers. They found no evidence of Hillary’s home server being hacked. Essentially, Hillary did nothing different than any other Congressperson and yet given the red, lame stream media you would think she made Snowden look like faithful steward of our secrets. By the way, did you see that “C” all by itself above. OMG, you just read classified information. My wife and I have had both secret and top secret clearances and I can tell you without a proper header and footer, Director Comey agrees with me, it is not a classified document. Only the Trump Kool-Aid drinkers believer the FBI is corrupt and kept Hillary out of jail which they hope to remedy when Trump is president. If you cannot believe the FBI and want to throw people in jail for political reasons you have much more in common with Putin’s Russia than the democratic United States of America. Maybe you should move there and give it a try to see how it works for you?