
Sweeter than honey

My darling sweetness

Sweetness that is not me

Sweetness that lights up the world

Liquid sweetness that takes you out into the world

You flow as future, your future

I marvel at your life

I live in a secret place

That death will not erode

That place of your beauty

That place of your joy

That place of your hope

What you are illuminates world

On you, world renews itself as I fade

But I fade content in your beauty

Content to have seen and known you

I have seen the face of the future that is not me

And I have loved you to my core and beyond

I have touched the face of God in your sight

And your beauty leads me in ways you now know not

Towards another

Towards the hint in well crafted words

Towards the gleam in youth

Towards the rustle of showering yellow fall leaves

Towards what only touches us tangentially

But informs us of what we now can not know

That guides, informs and measures

Worlding and Horizon

By that which is not

Worlding and Horizon

You are that my child

And I wonder and marvel at how you are that

And not me, my thoughts

You are the possibility of the impossibility

Of the not me that nevertheless baths my soul in radiant warmth

And calls me beyond my life

To future without future, without temporality, world, horizon as mine

But in your sweet face

A future not mine unfolds

And I kiss my ground that gives way before you

In love, I welcome your way into the world

As you welcome my way out of the world

And for these precious moments I am touched by the trace of eternity when I touch you my sweetest Melissa.


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